Bio Stat CHF Tayside

A systems BIOlogy Study to Tailored Treatment in Chronic Heart Failure


Primary tabs

Principle Investigators

Professor Chim Lang BioStat-CHF Tayside

Chim Lang is a consultant cardiologist, clinical pharmacologist and Professor of Cardiology at Ninewells Hospital and Medical School, Dundee.He trained in both cardiology and clinical pharmacology in the UK, Malaysia and the US where he was a Merck Fellow at Vanderbilt University, Nashville and a Fulbright Scholar at Columbia University, New York.

Prof Allan Struthers Bio-Stat-CHF Tayside

Allan Struthers is Professor of Cardiovascular Medicine.  After graduating MB with Honours from Glasgow, he trained in Glasgow and London (Royal Postgraduate Medical School/Hammersmith Hospital) before becoming Wellcome Senior Lecturer in Dundee.  He is currently funded as PI by the BHF, the MRC, the CSO, Diabetes (UK) and the Chest, Heart & Stroke Association.  In total he has had 29 different BHF grants including two 5 year BHF awards (one as PI).  He has given 190 invited lectures (half abroad), published 380 papers and supervised 40 MD/PhDs.  He focuses on clinical cardiovascular re

Professor Colin Palmer BioStat-CHF Tayside

Professor Palmer earned a BSc in Genetics from Glasgow University in 1985 and a PhD in Molecular Toxicology in 1991. He worked as a American Heart Association postdoctoral fellow with Professor Eric Johnson at the Scripps Research Institute in La Jolla, California from 1991 to 1995, and joined the laboratory of Professor Roland Wolf at the Biomedical Research Centre in Ninewells Hospital in 1995.


Andrew Morris Bio Stat CHF

ANDREW MORRIS is the Professor of Diabetic Medicine and Head of Planning and Development in the College of Medicine Dentistry and Nursing at the University of Dundee. He leads a translational research team that focuses on the epidemiological and molecular aetiological basis of diabetes and its complications. He also has a major interest in how managed clinical networks can improve patient care across geographical boundaries. He leads the internationally acclaimed DARTS research study, has published over 170 original papers and has attracted over £20million in peer reviewed grant funding.

Dr Alexander Doney BioStat-CHF Tayside

DR ALEXANDER S.F. DONEY is a Consultant Physician and Honorary Senior Lecturer at Ninewells Hospital and Medical School. Dr Alex initially studied pure Genetics as a basic scientist and went on to a PhD in molecular genetic epidemiology of cardiovascular disease and dyslipidaemia. He subsequently trained in clinical medicine specializing in Clinical Pharmacology and General Internal Medicine and currently directs the Acute Stroke Programme at Ninewells Hospital and Medical school.

Dr Bruce Guthrie Bio-Stat CHF Tayside

Dr Bruce Guthrie is the Professor of Primary Care Medicine at University of Dundee where he leads the Quality, Safety and Informatics Research Group. He was previously an MRC Health Services Research Training Fellow in Edinburgh, an NIHR/CSO Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Dundee, and a Harkness Fellow in Healthcare Policy at the University of California, San Francisco. His research interests focus on the definition, measurement and improvement of quality and safety.

Roger Tavendale BioStat-CHF Tayside

Dr Roger Tavendale’s background is in the estimation of biochemical risk factors for ischaemic heart disease in large cross-sectional studies. He was responsible for the biochemical analyses carried out as part of the Scottish Hearth Heath Study and also for the analyses of the specimens collected by the Glasgow centre in the WHO MONICA project. His focus has now altered towards investigating those genetic factors which may influence common diseases, including asthma, COPD and diabetes.

Clinical team

Fatima graduated from the University of Dundee with a BSc (Hons) in Biomedical Sciences. She developed an interest in clinical research after spending several summer internships within the department of Cardiovascular and Diabetes Medicine and The Institute of Cardiovascular Research. Following graduation she was offered a position as Clinical Research Assistant for BIOSTAT-CHF Scotland. Although at the start of her research career, she has a keen interest in developing her administrative and clinical skills to progress with her research career.

Mohapradeep Mohan

Mr. Mohapradeep Mohan is currently working as a Research Fellow/ Study Manger at the Cardiovascular & Diabetes Medicine, University of Dundee. He has completed his Masters degree in Biotechnology from India and a second Masters degree in Bioinformatics from the University of Abertay Dundee. He is currently pursing his doctoral studies in cardiovascular medicine and his research interests include cardiometabolic disorders. He started his career as a Researcher at the Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Biotechnology in India and started working for the BIOSTAT-CHF Scotland project from 2010.

Health Informatics Centre Team (HIC)

Dr Duncan Heather BioStat-CHF Tayside

Duncan Heather is the Operations Manager of the Health Informatics Centre, an activity-funded University research support unit providing anonymised data and a wide range of other data management services, mainly for research, in close collaboration with the NHS. Duncan holds a BA (Hons) in Business Studies from Abertay University and, prior to his current role, gained practical experience of managing people and processes in diverse settings such as bronze sculpture casting and industrial coatings. He currently leads a busy team of data managers, software developers and data entry staff.